Chinese Style Clear Mushroom Soup (Vegan & Gluten Free)

Chinese Style Clear Mushroom Soup (Vegan & Gluten Free)

Chinese Style Clear Mushroom Soup (Vegan & Gluten Free)

Clear mushroom soup recipe with step by step photos – an easy, healthy and tasty recipe of Chinese style mushroom soup. Vegan and Gluten-free.

Posting a soup recipe after a long time. This clear mushroom soup recipe is simple, easy and taste too good. You would love sipping this soup in a cold weather as well as in monsoons. Accompany the soup with a crusty bread or some noodles or rice.

This is a clear soup recipe. I have not used any veg stock in the recipe and cooked the mushrooms in water. If you have veg stock, you can use it.

Any variety of mushrooms can be used. I have used white button mushrooms which I easily get here.

Celery is also added in the soup which gives a really good flavor. If you do not have celery, you can skip it. Without celery, some flavor profile will be missing. So celery is optional but highly recommended.

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