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Mushrooms are edible fungus that can provide several important nutrients. The many kinds of mushroom have varying compositions and nutritional profiles. From puffballs to truffles, mushrooms can range from everyday fare to a costly delicacy. People can buy them fresh, canned, or dried. Botanic & Organic (BoMushroom) Mushroom is now being popularized in Khulna, Jessore, Bogra, Mymensingh, Tangail, Sirajgonj and Chittagong.

Mushrooms contain protein, vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. These can have various health benefits. For example, antioxidants are chemicals that help the body eliminate free radicals.

Free radicals are toxic byproducts of metabolism and other bodily processes. They can accumulate in the body, and if too many collect, oxidative stress can result. This can harm the body’s cells and may lead to various health conditions. Among the antioxidant agents in mushrooms are: selenium, vitamin C, and choline. Beyond the diet, mushrooms feature in some types of traditional medicine.

The climatic condition of Bangladesh is completely suitable for mushroom cultivation. It does not require any cultivable land. It can grow in room by racking vertically. Therefore, its yield as well as benefit per unit area is higher than any other vegetable in our country. It requires short time, little capital and easy technique for cultivation. This is why all types of people like male and female, youth and old even children and disabled can easily participate in its cultivation. Therefore, it can generate huge scope of employment opportunities for unemployed people. The raw materials for mushroom cultivation like sawdust, paddy straw, wheat straw, sugar can baggage, waste paper, used cotton, dervishes etc are very cheap and available in our country and no materials are required to import from abroad for its cultivation. Moreover, no chemical is necessary for its cultivation, therefore it is completely organic and eco-friendly.