Tremella fuciformis

Tremella fuciformis

Common Name: Jelly Fungus, Tremella
Type: Gourmet, Medicinal

This mushroom is amazing to look at, and has a unique method of cultivation.

In order to produce fruits, Tremella needs to parasitize another host species. It starts off as just a slime mold, but once it encounters the other species of fungus, it starts aggressive mycelial growth and eventually is able to fruit.

Cultivators need to grow two species in conjunction- both the parasite and the host– in order to properly grow this mushroom commercially.

The fruit body forms in white, jelly-like folds.

Although it is essentially flavorless, it has a interesting texture and is super popular in Asian cooking. It is also used medicinally, and is thought to have anti-aging effects on the skin.

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