Mushroom Caldin | Goan Veg Mushroom Caldin Recipe

Mushroom Caldin | Goan Veg Mushroom Caldin Recipe

Mushroom Caldin | Goan Veg Mushroom Caldin Recipe

Mushroom caldin recipe with step by step photos – this is a vegetarian as well as vegan version of the popular Goan bright yellow curry generally made with fish.

Fish caldin as well as veg caldin is often served in the shacks and restaurants in goa. I once had a veg caldin at a beach shack and it was bad. No flavors, no balance and no taste…. Wondered who made it.

Mom makes fish as well as prawns caldin often at home. Being Goans, they are fish eaters, so fish is often served on the menu. I use my mom’s caldin recipe to make veg or mushroom caldin at home. my North Indian family loves this mushroom curry to the core. So much so that I often get requests to make this.

Here I have used coconut milk, both thin and thick milk. you can also use grated coconut and make the curry. To give a hint of sourness to the curry, we always add tamarind. In the absence of tamarind you can add vinegar or lime juice.

As this is a curry, it goes best with some steamed rice. Mushroom caldin curry also taste great with some soft bread or rolls. The bread soaks up the curry and its yummm when you eat a slice of bread and in no time you will end up finishing the curry as well as the bread. The curry can also be had with chapatis or Paratha.

I served mushroom caldin with garlic bread and steamed rice. Accompanying the curry you can also serve a side vegetable dish or a salad.

Even with veggies like cauliflower, peas, carrots, french beans etc the caldin curry tastes very good. So you can make this coconut based curry with veggies of your choice as well as mushrooms or mixed varieties of mushrooms.

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